Where Protection meets Style
Allshoes Safety Footwear is front-runner in modern safety shoes. Our succesfull A-brands, such as Grisport and Redbrick, are desgined by us and brought to market in a distinctive way. Shoes to which safety and the latest fashion trends go hand in hand. With these shoes you can show your true colours.
Allshoes is specialist in the area of safety shoes. Style is very determinative for the image and appearance of our products and brands. We are continuously renewing in style but also in technology. We had the guts to introduce revolutionary safety shoes in a conventional market. As a entrepreneurial, data driven marketing and sales organization we service both the B2C and B2B market.
Our values
To be able to cooperate succesfully with our partners, we together with our team defined 3 core values in which we want to distinct ourselves.
At Allshoes we run our company as a team, We keep lines short, gear up quickly and make sure we deliver the best possible service by doing so. Each department is important. That's how we together ensure we never get cold feet.
The growth of Allshoes has so far mainly been realized because of our guts. We choose our own path even when it takes us off the beaten track. We rather see actions fail then deliver a mediocre result or copy an existing idea. We are in it to win it, not to prevent the other party from scoring.
At Allshoes we keep placing one foot before the other. We don't give up. This persistency characterizes our team. Of course we love thinking up new ideas with our customers and partners, but an idea without execution is only an idea. We are only content when new plans come to execution and we al benefit.
To work at Allshoes
Allshoes is one of the biggest players in the area of safety shoes within the Benelux and growing still. This is because of, amongst others, our focus on data driven marketing, innovations and sustainability. But growth isn't possible without a professional, ambitious and close team.
We find it important to have people on our team that have an entrepreneurial mindset. Personal development and ambition are high on our list as well. Every 2 months we organize a workshop or training, for example on personal leadership.
Our team exists of a close club of employers. We are proud of our colleagues and the results we realize together. We enjoy our lunch together every day and on Friday we enjoy a sociable drink & bite on our roof terrace. Each year we organize (sportive) outings and activities such as the Tour de Bunzl and we participate in the Kika run.