De Ridder BV is a organization located in Assendelft, which exists of 2 branches. De Ridder Safe & Secure is a well known player in the market of detainees. De Ridder Packaging, extended with the acquisition of  Coolpack, focus on solutions for cooled and conditioned shipping. For this we have production on site in Assendelft.

De Ridder BV is part of Bunzl since 2014.


De Ridder aims to create a safe and salvaged environment for employees and clients in divergent contexts.  On the other hand De Ridder is committed to deliver specialized advice and made tot meassure total solutions in the transport of temperature sensitive and vonurable products.


  • Solution focused - Our creative team gladly supports you to find a fitting solution for your specific situation. They often do so in a unique way.
  • Team work-  We think along with you to find the perfect solution to your question. We are flexibe and customer focused in finding the solution.
  • Inspired. We are devoted to bring superior service and quality. We offer total solutions and make sure we unburden you the best way possible.

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